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           扬州美伦雅思的老师在剑桥官方出版的雅思系列书籍末页的acknowledgements中发现,雅思阅读文章大多来源于十几种报刊杂志,当然其中有一些是频率较高的,如:The Economist, Times, National Geographic, Guardian News等。比如,扬州雅思的老师曾经在Times报纸上看到过一篇文章,有关不同动物对其同伴死后的行为表现,其内容和风格与雅思阅读完全一致,如果经过节选,将是一篇不折不扣的雅思阅读生物类文章。
          更重要的是,对于每次雅思考试阅读部分的内容,扬州美伦雅思的老师都可以在这些相关的网站中找到雅思阅读文章的雏形。雅思阅读考试的文章虽说进行了reproduce, 但其大体内容还是没有变化的。烤鸭们多去此类网站浏览生物、自然、科技、教育、社会、文化类的话题,可以累积大量的文章背景知识,这不仅对阅读文章的理解有益,也是累积口语素材的大好机会。

          比如之前扬州雅思考生考到过的一篇雅思阅读文章 “The Effects of Media on Children’s Communication”, 我们就可以从杂志网站中发现其原文的雏形:
    Because of their limited capacity for self-regulation and susceptibility to peer pressure, children and adolescents are at some risk as they navigate and experiment with social media. Recent research indicates that there are frequent online expressions of offline behaviors, such as bullying, clique-forming, and sexual experimentation, that have introduced problems such as cyberbullying, privacy issues, and “sexting.” Other problems that merit awareness include Internet addiction and concurrent sleep deprivation.
    Many parents today use technology incredibly well and feel comfortable and capable with the programs and online venues that their children and adolescents are using. Nevertheless, some parents may find it difficult to relate to their digitally savvy youngsters online for several reasons. Such parents may lack a basic understanding of these new forms of socialization, which are integral to their children's lives. They frequently do not have the technical abilities or time needed to keep pace with their children in the ever-changing Internet landscape. In addition, these parents often lack a basic understanding that kids' online lives are an extension of their offline lives. The end result is often a knowledge and technical skill gap between parents and youth, which creates a disconnect in how these parents and youth participate in the online world together.
    1. 每天选择不同话题的文章进行阅读,一周按五天来算,可以按照生物、科技、文化、自然(环保)、社会这五大类话题更替。
    2. 阅读时,如遇到生词,完全可以随时查阅各种类型的词典,对于出现频率极其高的生词,每篇大约选择5-10个进行记忆。(不必过多,我们的阅读目的不是背记单词)
    3. 阅读的初始阶段(前2个月)无需限定时间来阅读,这个阶段的沉淀,积累是很重要的,到了2个月后,可以给自己设定阅读一篇文章的时间(从宽松的阅读时间开始制定),然后随着时间的推进,逐渐提高标准。